Our Going Deeper topic this month will be Experiencing our Oneness with the Presence and will be led by Rev. Sage Bennet

Dive into the contemplation, reflection, practices and inspiration of Going Deeper in a sacred space of listening and support. Talk about the big ideas with others holding the high consciousness understanding of the way the world works.

Stay focused on the way you want your life to be, discover what might be getting in the way and get inspired by the work of others. Raise your thoughts to make your life better, feel the power in the unity of raised consciousness in a group and express that unity to make a world that works for everyone.

Contact Us

InSpirit Center for Spiritual Living

  • Phone: 949-481-4040
  • Email: admin@inspiritoc.org

Join Us Sunday Morning!

Meditation: 10:00a.m.
Celebration Service: 10:30a.m.
Sunday School and Nursery Care available
25782 Obrero Drive, Mission Viejo, CA 92691